
This website is run by its creator, K.E. Berr. History has always been very important to me. That's why I always dove into books as a child and now major in a history program, with intentions to be a historian.
I have over the years seen the importance of not just remembering those who are recorded in history books, but also those whose accomplishments are too often forgotten. There are many people who make up this part of history; often they were odd in their accomplishments, or in their period, or simply, for some reason, were not the face of what came to be remembered in history. Often, these people were minorities, unique in their own ways. They deserve the same place as any other figure, and that is the aim with RRRF.
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If you would like to donate, feel free to do so here. Thank you to anyone kind enough to do so, and thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read my work. It means the world to me.
Painting: A Young Girl Reading, or The Reader, by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.